Over the next decade it is estimated that up to 40 per cent of companies on the Standard and Poors index will be disrupted by rapidly advancing technologies and the entrepreneurs adapting quickly to this new environment.  According to international research, up to 60 percent of middle-class jobs will become redundant due to robotics and new technologies. And some jobs will continue to exist but will be performed in cheaper labour markets overseas.

We urgently need to train ourselves and emerging leaders to be entrepreneurs: makers and creators of the jobs of the future. We need to build a culture of creativity and innovation to sufficiently develop our capabilities to turn ideas into enterprises.

Below are 12 innovator attributes which we can learn and aspire to and nurture in others:

  1. Curious: Innovators actively explore the environment, challenge status quo and investigate new possibilities. Ask: “what if…?”
  2. Persistent: Innovators are never above a task, they are hardworking, persistent and willing to do “whatever-it-takes” to get things done. Never give up!

  1. Committed to learning: Innovators step in, participate and they continually seek knowledge.
  2. Visionary: Innovators are highly imaginative, maintain a future orientation, and think in mental pictures. Connect to right side of the brain :)
  3. Celebrate diversity: Innovators choose to work with a purposeful and diverse collection of people and are not afraid to disagree. POSITIVE HUMAN COLLISIONS
  4. Flexible/Adaptable: Innovators can handle uncertainty, initiate new projects and are able to adjust the “game plan” as needed.
  5. Listen: Innovators are open to input from all parties, learn quickly from feedback and take them on board in the outcome.
  6. Take Risks: They go beyond their comfort zone, have courage and take calculated risks.
  7. Failing fast & experimentation: Innovators are not afraid to fail. They bounce back from disappointment and try again. FAIL = First Attempt In Learning.
  8. Desire for improvement: Innovators respond to deep inner needs, increase efficiencies and offer enhanced experiences to improve processes for a better ROI.
  9. Positive, intuitive & optimistic: Innovators tune in and think positively which increases attention and alertness; critical tools for anyone who attempts to solve a problem or is considering a business opportunity. Challenge negative thoughts.
  10. Mentally Strong:  Innovators do not waste time feeling sorry for themselves, give away their power, worry about pleasing others or shy away from change.

Tania de Jong AM is a trail-blazing Australian soprano, award-winning social entrepreneur, creative innovation catalyst, spiritual journey woman and global speaker. Tania is one of Australia’s most successful female entrepreneurs and innovators developing 5 businesses and 3 charities over the past 3 decades including Creative Universe, Creativity Australia and the With One Voice program, Creative Innovation Global, Mind Medicine Australia, Dimension5, MTA Entertainment & Events, Pot-Pourri and The Song Room. She was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia in June 2008 and named one of the 100 Women of Influence and the 100 Australian Most Influential Entrepreneurs in 2018.

Tania’s mission is to empower people to find their purpose so that they unleash their true potential. 

Tania’s TED Talk How Singing Together Changes The Brain has sparked international interest.

For more detailed information on Tania’s presentation topics or to book her for your next conference or special event please contact us at: [email protected]  // +61 (0)3 8679 6000 // @Taniadejong


