“Your One Voice presentation and workshop was the perfect fit for our conference which brought together over 100 of our management and leadership team. You, Shaun and the entire team at Creative Universe were the ultimate professionals in the lead up to the event, and made my job as the event organiser so much easier. At the dinner event where you presented your personal and uplifting life-story, followed by some memorable performances set the perfect tone for engaging with the crowd to demonstrate the power of an individual and then that of the group! I have received nothing but positive feedback from attendees about how invigorating the workshop was and how in a very lively and active way, we could indeed sing with one voice! The general make up of our delegates was very “blokey” and I was fearful that they would not give 100% when they found out we were all going to be singing – but how wrong I was… I can still see them all stamping their feet and singing with gusto!” Veolia

“What a great loving and spirit-filled gathering. Thank you for all that you brought.” Peninsula Hot Springs

“All of our entrepreneurs embraced expressing their voices in the inspirational sound bath sharing workshop, facilitated beautifully by Tania de Jong. The energy and authenticity that Tania brings to her work is second to none.  She touched everyone with her magic. This session was a highlight of our IGNITE conference.”
Entrepreneurs Organisation

“We really enjoyed having your valuable and spiritual contribution to our Leaders Summit. Seeing the room come alive and bond over song was such a powerful and positive highlight to the day’s proceedings.” Mercy Health

“The team building undertaken on the first day led to the excellent planning results we achieved on the second. Thanks for your oustanding leadership program.”  La Trobe University

Tania is expanding her work with a range of organisations and ASX blue chip companies (incl. Telstra, ANZ, BHP, Leightons, Thiess etc.) who are all interested in the work she is doing around building innovation capability, developing leaders out of managers, harmonising executive teams and finding greater meaning and purpose.

We are happy to develop a bespoke program and presentations to suit your themes and required outcomes.

“The event last night was a great success, and on a number of different levels. It was fun, built trust and shared experience amongst our group, and helped advance the leadership program we are workshopping.Your contribution was wonderful and you obviously have a winning set of products that are refreshingly different. Thanks you for sharing the experience with us last night.”
 Tony Oliva BHP Worsley Alumina

“Tania provided us with an evening of entertainment and personal challenge. Her own history and achievements make for some captivating listening and the group exercise was challenging but was also a fun thing to participate in.”

“Tania is most effective with Management and Executive teams who wish to work more cohesively together, or have social dynamic problems within their respective corporations. Teams under pressure, stressed or suffering from communication challenges or executives who wish to be more creative in their leadership approaches would benefit from such an experience. Tania is an accomplished professional and delivered an immaculate performance with substantial impact in a short space of time, which in itself confirmed to the delegates how sustainable new behaviors can become when committed.”

“We were delighted with the impact and outcome of your session. Many people have made positive comments on the session and the energy and passion that it produced. Brilliant!” AON Top 200 Conference

“You were wonderful. You engaged with over 700 of our consultants in a powerful way and reinforced our own potential. The standing ovation was a testament to the way you moved us into a different headspace. Many people have mentioned it was the best session they have attended at a conference anywhere!”
Price Waterhouse Coopers

“One of the most memorable participative workshops many of us have ever experienced. The “With One Voice” workshop highlighted our key aims of creativity and innovation as tools for great leadership, and team work. The workshop brought these to life and proved that working as one team aligned to one outcome, can achieve amazing results.”
Mark Goddard, Spotlight

“Your workshop at the Mind & Its Potential conference was inspiring and exceptionally joyful…My head was still buzzing with the harmony chord for a good hour after the workshop.”
Irene Tj, Thursday Island Primary Health Care Centre

“It is a rarity to meet a person like yourself, and the world becomes a better and brighter place in your infectious presence and for what you stand and do. A spellbinding presentation. Keep up the great work.”
The Indus Entrepreneur (TIE)

“If there was only one word I could use about Jessamy and her work it would be this: WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW 

She absolutely stunned me (and the other 200 people in the room) with her genius (yes, a strong word) at being able to capture a fast-moving seminar I was presenting. 

The program was called INSPIRE! And that is precisely what Jessamy does. Use her — you’ll be as thrilled and stunned as I have been.”
Paul Dunn – Chairman, Buy1Give1

“The choir experience was a standout session of the conference – exceptional!”
Australian Positive Psychology Conference

“Tania entertained staff after a day long workshop and uplifted us all. The staff were primarily telecommunications and project management staff – and predominantly male.

 For any post workshop activity after a long day and dinner, to energize and entertain would be a challenge. Tania managed to totally engage and take her audience to a place where I don’t think we ever expected to go. To get her audience harmonizing as a group activity was a fantastic experience, and I can say from my perspective, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and would recommend her without reservation.”
Michael Bruce, Chief Technology Officer, Visionstream

A most unique and inspiring bonding experience that simulated and confronted our norms. We initially found ourselves entirely out of our comfort zone to then be transcended as a team through harmony as one voice!
Ric Oldham, General Manager, Visionstream Leighton Contractors Telecommunications Division

“Most inspiring, innovative and refreshing. The program was very interactive and required all present to participate. It empowered us as individuals and as a group. It was challenging and also helped to release some tension and frustrations in a constructive manner.

 I would strongly recommend this program as a team building exercise, to assist in improving self esteem and enhanced communications between groups that need to work together more closely.

 The program is most useful in transforming and building a stronger and more cohesive team.”
Steve Karistianis, Senior National Project Manager, Visionstream

“A great activity that really brought together our 250 HR leaders as one team. We started with 70% saying they couldn’t sing and finished with an amazing four-part harmony song that they really were proud of. Highly recommended!”
Andrea Grant, Telstra

“I write to congratulate you and your team and your facilitation of the Faculty of Law and Management’s recent two day retreat at Werribee Mansion for 32 of our senior staff. I had wanted to do a serious team building exercise and canvassed a number of options deciding against the “rope climbing over water” type facilitators in favor of the creativity exercises that your team undertook. The exercises undertaken were certainly different, and innovative, creative even! I was pleased with your team’s efforts to gel our group. The team building undertaken on the first day led to the excellent planning results we achieved on the second. While we have much to do, we have developed four very clear areas of focus to take us forward over the next decade. Our thanks for your role in leading us to that path.”
Professor Raymond Harbridge LLD, La Trobe University

“The event last night was a great success, and on a number of different levels. It was fun, built trust and shared experience amongst our group, and helped advance the leadership program we are workshopping.Your contribution was wonderful and you obviously have a winning set of products that are refreshingly different. Thanks you for sharing the experience with us last night.”
Tony Oliva BHP Worsley Alumina

“It brought the group so much closer together … the room was tingling with our combined energy.”
Macquarie Bank

“I could not stop my lips from turning upwards and smiling during the session! It made me feel so happy and alive!”

“Tania de Jong managed to challenge and inspire us to think beyond the usual bounds of leadership style by taking us on a journey of breath, chant and song. It affirmed for many that if allowed, creativity can and will ‘create’ great leaders.”
Committee for Melbourne

“Can you pass on our appreciation for demonstrating that creativity in business can actually work. Although a short session, it was apparent to me that Tania’s passion, energy and initiative can flow through and bring out the creative side in everyone and can assist in improving all aspects of a business, irrespective of its field of expertise. Interactive leadership workshops are always more productive and enjoyable and this one was a belter.”
Committee for Melbourne

“Your work is really inspirational and your presentation was a huge hit!”
2nd Australian Positive Psychology and Well-Being Conference

“We had great feedback about your session – in fact, I was sitting next to someone at the dinner who had been in your session and they said that you had them all singing and she was amazed that everyone participated! She said she gained some ideas that she would not have thought about to help with her teaching.”
Girls Education National Conference

“Tania de Jong recently gave an inspiring keynote address at the ISPIM Innovation Symposium in Melbourne. Tania engaged the audience with her insights into innovation in Australia and even managed to get them to participate in some group singing activities. However, the best was left to last as she treated the audience to a great anecdote about her innovative grandmother and finished with a wonderful song. The feedback I personally received from our delegates was excellent and I would be happy to recommend Tania as a keynote speaker at any innovation event.” The International Society for Professional Innovation Management

“So inspired by your talk at the Mind and its Potential Conference this year. I work in an area with many disadvantaged children and adolescents. I am young and new to my role and both the children and myself often feel like we ‘fail’ a lot of the time to achieve what we want within this environment. I really loved your changed mindset about failure. First Attempt in Learning! I would like to take your words with me to support my dreams and the dreams of the children I work with.” Mind and its Potential

“The session was very well received and will always be a memorable one. The energy was great and we had excellent feedback.” AGL Senior Leadership Team

“Thank you so much for your presentation. The feedback from delegates has been very positive with responses focussing on your theme of unlocking the creativity of those in the workforce. Several indicated they intend going back to their organisations with a mission to harness the creativity of their staff more effectively . You certainly touched a nerve with many of them signalling the risk-averse culture that has been steadily built up over the years standing as a barrier to their organisation’s going forward and have been inspired by  you to reverse the trend.” National Local Government Human Resource Conference

“We were excited to have Tania speak as part of our Excellence Seminar Series. The postgraduate students and staff who attended the talk only had wonderful things to say about her. They found her presentation inspiring, creative, engaging and very personal. Tania’s personality shone through her style and everyone responded to her beautiful heart. We would like to thank Tania for her amazing gifts and sharing them with us.” Monash Postgraduate Association

“We were delighted with your ability to deliver a very personal story that young people could engage with, relate to and contextualise.  Fun, relevant, aspirational and real – your story and ideas tick so many of the reflective boxes yet left us all feeling positive and knowing we have much to do and look forward to both personally and collectively.” Northcote High School Graduation Oration

“Tania’s presentation was one of the most insightful and entertaining talks we had in recent months. The students and the professors thoroughly enjoyed the engaging talk and learnt about the power of creativity, innovation and collaboration. The importance of creativity in large corporations, the need for innovation specially in Australia and the real power of diversity are some of our key learnings we will remember and use. It was our privilege to hear her beautiful voice in the end , a perfect finish to the event. The event was a great success. A big thank you to Tania, on behalf of the students at Melbourne Business School.” Melbourne Business School

“The feedback from people who spoke to me said your performance was just divine and they wanted it to go on. We are so grateful for your talents and your work.”
Susan Barton, Lighthouse Institute

“Your speech and song were real masterpieces! YOU REALLY WOWED THEM!”
Sir Gus Nossal AC, The Florey Institute

“Tania, thank you so much for being part of BCG’s 50th birthday Celebration Day. The feedback from our staff on your session has been tremendous – it was a real standout for many of us. One of the teams told me that before your workshop, they were struggling to get the rest of their team to engage and be creative and that afterwards they all wanted to be involved and participate. Thank you for being flexible and accommodating with our event. Your energy, passion, enthusiasm and joie de vivre are a real inspiration. Keep it up!” Miguel Carrasco, Partner and Managing Director, The Boston Consulting Group

“Your insightful, and highly entertaining presentation certainly provided our audience with a detailed perspective and greater understanding into why creativity is more important now than ever before, and some of the key benefits to nurturing creativity which you identified such as: improved well being, leadership, and increased productivity, further highlighted how creativity ultimately leads to innovation.

Your in-depth knowledge into why diversity is also critical to unlocking creative potential and thus enabling innovation to flourish, was of great interest to our attendees, and was further demonstrated in the example you provided through your highly successful ‘One Voice’ program.”
Innovation Series, Brisbane

“Thank you for being one of main drawcards at our Florey Innovation Symposium and giving the opening address. You set the scene beautifully for what was to follow with presentations from a broad array of neuroscientists and related disciplines. There is no doubt that the link between innovation, creativity and practical outcomes is beautifully enhanced by creative minds.” Geoffrey Donnan AO, The Florey Institute

“Session was great. A terrific buzz after it. Freedom is coming…truly first rate!”  McKinsey & Company

“The ONE TEAM, ONE VOICE Workshop was truly a binding experience, inspirational to a group in need of self-belief and confidence. In an engaging and memorable way, the team was able to perform as a unit like never before. Something to refer to for a long time!”
Nicolas Georges, Mondelez

“The Innovation Workshop that Tania, Tim and the team from Creative Universe facilitated, ‘Unleashing our Potential’ was a great opportunity to bring our management team together.  Not only did they learn some great techniques to  generate new ideas to old problems but they came up with literally hundreds of ways we could potentially increase service, sales and communication.” David Jones

“A big thank you for your contribution to the Unleashing our Potential workshop. The excitement and energy you created was amazing – what a buzz! We are very optimistic about the ideas that were generated and have already commenced the next steps to implementation. Again, thank you all for your commitment and professionalism and giving 150 of our top people a thought provoking and fun day.”  David Jones

“What a great event you created and it resonated with everyone in attendance. The speech, soundbath and singing was magical. Your talent and spirit are very much appreciated.”
Bill Patterson Meditation

“ASPA and the International Confederation of Principals have both engaged the services of Pot-Pourri this year. Without question, delegates have enjoyed the performances and found the warmth, humour and quality of the presentations to be both thrilling and inspiring. Tania is a committed advocate for education, the arts and creativity.”
Andrew Blair, President, Australian Secondary Principals Association (ASPA)

“Swinburne University was honoured that Tania agreed to speak to our graduates at two of our recent Graduation ceremonies. Tania was just terrific. She gave an inspiring Occasional Dress to the Graduates. Her speech was encouraging, uplifting, appropriately challenging, and of course, beautifully finished off with a song. Our Graduates were simply captivated. Well done Tania.”
Bill Scales, AO, Chancellor, Swinburne University of Technology.

“Thank you for your magnificent performance for our 20th Melbourne Morning Tea with the Stars. You looked sensational on stage and your performance was most entertaining. We have received very positive feedback from our guests who thoroughly enjoyed the combination of your beautiful voice with the audience participation which was hysterical.”
Australian Fed Cup Tennis Foundation

“Great atmosphere, music, laughter, singing and dancing – it had it all … never laughed so much!”
Australia Post

I have been going to concerts, opera and theatre for more than 50 years and I have to say the Concert at Mandurah was probably the most enjoyable I have ever been to. You were all marvellous, great singing, fun and beautifully put together. I have never seen a pianist like Rebecca play with so much feeling and skill and your Nessun Dorma was the best ever including the backdrop and I think the audience was close to a standing ovation. It was a wonderful selection of music! Brilliant!
Promaco Conventions

“Pot-Pourri is the best all-round musical entertainment group available in Australia today.”
Rotary International

“I can truly say that Pot-Pourri provided a level of entertainment that could not be surpassed.”
Spotless Group

“….truly talented and professional… a superb group. Their ability to blend an international performance and include local numbers further heightened their appeal”
The Hong Kong Jockey Club

“Best ever conference entertainment in 20 years… the integration of concrete into your performance was brilliant!”
International Concrete Conference

“They left the audiences standing and cheering for more… outstanding!”
Goss Graphic Systems

“…extremely entertaining and accessible to all – from site labourers to company directors, and you had everybody’s attention.”
Hooker Cockran

“Entertainment was world class, Pot-Pourri are superb. How can we top this?”
National Australia Bank

“Great atmosphere, music laughter, singing and dancing – it had it all…never laughed so much!”
Australia Post